About Us
Camperworx is a division of Autolux Limited based in Galway, Ireland. We began back in 2004 providing custom vehicle modifications, bespoke van builds and leather upholstery conversions. In 2006 after a request from a client, we built our first camper. An ex-minibus Citroen Relay was transformed into a 4 berth camper with toilet and shower.
Over the next 14 years, the business expanded to include services such as classic car restoration and windscreen replacement as part of the Allglass network. The requests for camper conversions kept coming. In 2018 Autolux Limited became the sole agent for Allglass & Autoglass in Galway.
One year on and in order to cater for the demand for a specialized camper conversions company, Camperworx was born.

Complete Turnkey Camper Conversions
Camperworx offer clients complete turnkey camper conversions or part conversions for the diy converter. Get in touch with out today, we’d love to discuss your requirements.